Alexis Gonzáles Alopecia (2025)

1. Updates in the understanding and treatments of skin & hair disorders ...

  • Acne, melasma, and alopecia are among the most common skin disorders seen in this patient population. Understanding the differences in the basic science of skin ...

  • Skin of color comprises a diverse and expanding population of individuals. In particular, women of color represent an increasing subset of patients who frequently seek dermatologic care. Acne, melasma, and alopecia are among the most common skin ...

Updates in the understanding and treatments of skin & hair disorders ...

2. Tournament helps Wasco woman get dream wig - The Shafter Press

  • 18 feb 2021 · "After talking to Alexis' mom, she updated me on Alexis' battle with alopecia, I suggested to my fiancé Eddie if a basketball tournament ...

  • Alopecia areata, better known as "Alopecia" is an autoimmune condition causing hair loss on the head, face, body and scalp. The severity of cases varies from person to person and as of today there is unfortuntatly no cure. It affects as many as 6.8 million people in the United states. One of those people happens to be Wasco native, and friend to ma...

Tournament helps Wasco woman get dream wig - The Shafter Press

3. A Practical Approach to the Diagnosis and Management of Hair Loss in ...

A Practical Approach to the Diagnosis and Management of Hair Loss in ...

4. Recent advances in the genetics of alopecia areata - De Gruyter

  • 5 apr 2023 · Alopecia areata (AA) is a common autoimmune-mediated hair loss disorder in humans with an estimated lifetime risk of approximately 2 %.

  • Alopecia areata (AA) is a common autoimmune-mediated hair loss disorder in humans with an estimated lifetime risk of approximately 2 %. Episodes of hair loss usually begin with isolated hairless patches that may progress to complete hair loss over the entire body. A familial occurrence of AA is well established, with recurrence risks of about 6–8 % in first-degree relatives. AA is a multifactorial disorder involving both environmental and genetic risk factors. Previous research has identified 14 susceptibility loci, most of which implicate genes involved in the immune response. The following review presents a summary of the latest findings from genome-wide association, sequencing and gene expression studies of AA, as well as their contribution to the recent therapeutic developments.

Recent advances in the genetics of alopecia areata - De Gruyter

5. Final Phase in the Validation of the Cross-Cultural Adaptation of the ...

Final Phase in the Validation of the Cross-Cultural Adaptation of the ...

6. and Th17-Associated Cytokines in Alopecia Areata - PMC

  • 23 aug 2023 · Alexis A.F., Dudda-Subramanya R., Sinha A.A. Alopecia areata ... Gonzalez J., Hashim P.W., Nia J.K., Baum D., Kimmel G., et al. An ...

  • Autoimmune diseases tend to cluster in families, suggesting genetic predisposition to autoimmunity associated with familial background. We have previously reported similarities in gene expression patterns and PTPN22 polymorphisms between alopecia ...

and Th17-Associated Cytokines in Alopecia Areata - PMC

7. Possible relationship between alopecia areata and enterovirus ...

  • Dudda-Subramanya R, Alexis AF, Siu K, Sinha AA. Alopecia areata ... Bracho MA, Gonzalez-Candelas F, Valero A, Cordoba J, Salazar A. Enterovirus ...

  • Introduction: alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease of unknown etiology that is associated to other autoimmune diseases. Hand-foot-mouth disease is a common viral infection in children caused by several enterovirus serotypes, and it is sometimes associated to onychomadesis. This study intends to investigate an increase in cases of alopecia areata after an outbreak of hand-foot-mouth disease in our environment. Methods: identification of patients under 14 years old diagnosed with hand-foot-mouth disease and/or alopecia areata in a Primary Care Service Area between 1/1/2011 and 31/12/2012. Review of medical records, collecting date of birth and diagnosis, age at diagnosis and clinical characteristics. Results: forty-nine patients diagnosed with hand-foot-mouth disease and 7 diagnosed with alopecia areata were found. An outbreak of hand-foot-mouth disease was confirmed with 42 cases within a period of 8 weeks. A subsequent increase in cases of alopecia areata (4 cases within 4 weeks, compared with 3 cases over the 11 months before and none during the previous year) was observed. Conclusions: following an outbreak of hand-foot-mouth disease an increased number of cases of alopecia areata was observed. This fact, coupled with the association of alopecia areata with other autoimmune diseases, and the relationship found between enterovirus infections and autoimmune diseases such as type 1 diabetes mellitus poses a possible causal relationship between enterovirus infections and...

Possible relationship between alopecia areata and enterovirus ...

8. Integrated Safety Analysis of Ritlecitinib for the Treatment of ...

  • Integrated Safety Analysis of Ritlecitinib for the Treatment of Alopecia Areata ... Gonzalez, Adelaide Hebert, Kim Papp, Vimal H. ... Alexis, Diamant Thaçi ...

  • Brett King Jennifer Soung Christos Tziotzios Lidia Rudnicka Pascal Joly Melinda Gooderham Rodney Sinclair Susan D. Anway Dalia Wajsbrot Alexandre Lejeune Samuel H. Zwillich

Integrated Safety Analysis of Ritlecitinib for the Treatment of ...
Alexis Gonzáles Alopecia (2025)


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